Link xbox game pass to steam
Link xbox game pass to steam

Next step was to select the game I wanted to add, then simply click the button to “ Export selected Apps to Steam“. Before adding any, I went to the Settings menu and turned on the Streaming mode (I did not test with this option off, so maybe someone else will experiment). After downloading and opening the program, the refresh button finds Microsoft applications and games, including Game Pass items. That dev, Brian Lima, created a utility called UWPHook. Lucky for me, an indie developer created a program to complete those steps for me. I found complex sets of steps to add them to Steam, but my time is way too valuable for all that for each game. They all share weird shortcuts with special codes that Microsoft translates into launching the game you want to play.Īs much as I tried to use the shortcuts for each of my Game Pass games, Steam did not recognize them as valid paths. I’ve successfully added Ubisoft games from my Uplay+ subscription, and even Cyberpunk 2077, but the feature requires access to the game EXE file. The Steam library includes a feature to add a non-Steam game to the list. Recently, they added the ability to Remote Play with others for couch coop games, or even stream from a PC (replacing Steam Link hardware boxes). Now, it’s no secret how dominant Steam is. The only reason I installed it back then was to download and play HL2. Steam really has come a long way from the days of Half Life 2.

link xbox game pass to steam link xbox game pass to steam

Adding Game Pass Games to Steam Library Adding a Non-Steam Game to Steam Library Now that I’ve solved both, I wanted to share with others and save people the hassles I went through to get here. When I searched for ways to stream Game Pass via Steam Remote Play, I ran into two issue: adding the games to the Steam library and streaming to my laptop. I don’t feel like subscribing to Microsoft xCloud just yet, so I figured out streaming Game Pass via Steam Link on PC. When I started playing Twelve Minutes via Game Pass, I knew it was a perfect game to stream with the point and click gameplay.

Link xbox game pass to steam